There is no need panic, how to lose weight easy way
12:47:00 AMhow to lose weight easy way |
One man's meat is another man's poison: Who is it finally managed to fulfill his wish and sustainable slim down, can be satisfied. Come someone but several pounds lost in a relatively short time without fault of their own, then that is to be valued differently. Doctors listen for when a patient reported that the scale indicates more than five percent weight loss within a quarter or more than ten per cent in six months.
Because an involuntary weight loss of this magnitude is at least a warning. The doctor will want to scrutinize and investigate. So wait rather than six months with the doctor's appointment from. Older people are often better served if the doctor intervenes earlier, because they usually have not much to add. Even if someone loses weight in the course of a disease, the doctor will take countermeasures in good time in order to obtain or to increase resistance.
The minus on the scale: Sometimes the cause remains unclear
Some sufferers who suddenly realize that they have taken no apparent reason, tend initially to not go straight to the doctor. Finally, a slimmer line is most welcome when everything else seems normal. Secretly, however, holds many fear an unpleasant diagnosis on the first visit to the doctor. Depending on the symptoms and findings, the diagnosis is then possibly only after a delay. This can sometimes be lost valuable time.
Sometimes it happens, however, that the cause remains unclear, despite a longer thorough check-up. According to studies, this is true for about one in five. Intended for forecasting without negative consequences. In this respect, doctors consider it then justifiable, only summon control half those affected from time to time. This is good news, but many feared in unwanted weight loss equal to the worst about cancer.
Figure control with the measuring tape
Increase is easier than losing weight - a drop similar to the body usually again
Increase is easier than losing weight - a drop similar to the body usually again
Jupiterimages GmbH / Goodshot
As it comes to weight loss?
Everyone settles down with his body weight on an individual bandwidth. In addition, the weight curve is subject to the below in "weight, age, energy budget" section long-term trends described. Significant deviations from unknown cause, such as when the scale shows striking down, a doctor must clarify. Blame for unintended weight loss are firstly circumstances that bring an increased energy consumption. This can everyday stress, changing lifestyles or specific diseases be, for example, an overactive thyroid gland. Secondly, there are pathological changes associated with an increased energy demand. That is, for example, in certain gastrointestinal disease with digestive disorders and nutritional deficiencies of the case. Secondly, a decreased food intake plays a role. Here, the appetite is often disturbed - sometimes an indicator of mental disorders such as depression. However, persistent abdominal pain, which occur in connection with eating, swallowing problems or frailty take the appetite. In many cases, there is overlap between the three groups. Significant also are side effects of drugs and other therapies, as well as stimulants such as alcohol and drugs.
Preliminary information on the still body weight and energy balance. They help to better assess changes in weight.
Weight, age, household energy
If someone receives fewer calories than he needs, he loses weight. This also happens if the power supply unchanged, the energy demand or consumption but increases is. The calories or food energy, short hereinafter referred to energy, we get from the main nutrients, so the energy supplier carbohydrates, fats and protein.
From the age of 30, the energy requirement normally (BMR see below) decreases slowly. In turn, the body weight gradually increases - at least among those who retain their eating habits or even down while eating, and are probably the most. Women experiencing hormonal to menopause when weight once a certain boost. From 65 years, the trend to increase slowly reversed in both sexes to play. Elderly people can lose significant weight. Sometimes they even come into a state of malnutrition.
Underweight shortens life expectancy, regardless of the cause. For incidental or -unterernährung occurs when the body a long time gets enough nutrients and micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Then deficiency symptoms develop, and in various organs, it may cause malfunctions. Pallor, fatigue, reduced performance, in women of childbearing age a lack of menstrual bleeding, oral mucosa inflammation, muscle weakness, heart and circulatory problems, tendency to dizziness and fainting are just a few examples.
I have about underweight?
The body mass index (BMI), you realize where you are. And so is the calculation:
BMI = weight (kg) divided by the square of height ((m) 2). Underweight is from BMI values below 18.5 kg / m2, strong underweight from 17.5 kg / m2 or lower. A BMI from 18.5 to 25 kg / m2 indicates normal weight. Values above and up to 30 kg / m2 correspond to obesity. Higher numbers are compatible with obesity. Try simply times the body mass index calculator in the right column above.
Caution: Even if it does not work in this post by threatening malnutrition - with warning signs such as this you must immediately alert the emergency physician: confusion, drowsiness, convulsions, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea pronounced, severe vomiting, shortness of breath.
Basal metabolic rate, labor turnover, total energy demand
Around 11,000 liters of air per day circulate in our lungs. Approximately 100,000 times the heart beats in 24 hours. And the brain thinks incessantly, even in sleep. Alone for all internal body processes, we need a lot of energy, even if we otherwise not lift a finger. That is the reason sales - the energy demand, which we have in complete tranquility and undressed at about 27 degrees Celsius to maintain the body functions per day. In this neutral temperature you feel its surroundings neither cold nor hot.
Depending on the gender, age and weight of the basal metabolic rate falls out differently. People with a higher basal metabolic rate decrease and difficult easily. The decisive factor is the percentage of muscle mass. Starting at 30 fades the muscular substance from year to year - depending on the level of conditioning, more or less. Also slows down with age metabolism. Thus, the basal metabolic rate decreases slowly (see also above section "weight, age, energy balance").
The labor turnover is the amount of energy needed by the body within a day, to be physically and mentally active and be able to work - easy, medium, hard. Labor turnover and basal metabolic rate result in the total energy demand. Influence and take here the climate conditions, hormones, stress, numerous diseases, such as those with fever, operations and other factors.
Hunger will be satisfied, appetite is on enjoyment
Hunger will be satisfied, appetite is on enjoyment
Thinkstock / Hemera
Hunger and appetite
Hunger and appetite, of course, saturation, controlling eating behavior. Whether someone is hungry, depends on the ratio between supplied and consumed energy. The body can be "emergencies", such as a zero-diet, adjust initially: It lowers the basal metabolic rate and taps into the reserves. These are the sugar storage, the fat stores, and finally the body protein, notably in the muscles - so it goes to the substance. After returning to a normal diet the metabolic rate, the weight increases again, also. Sometimes downright developed cravings. For the waist, this means that it can get to the famous yo-yo effect: on and on and so on.
Appetite, so to speak, the lustful variant of appetite is dominated felt mentally. A tempting meal seduced easily to known that you're making more than you want or need. Hunger and appetite feelings are often disturbed in pathological changes. For example, inflammatory substances may also affect hormone systems and neurotransmitters that control eating behavior with.
Unintentional weight loss: possible causes
Below you will find a number of causes together - not exhaustive. Since some loss of appetite also occurs more often we refer to the relevant post. There syndromes and triggers are described that play a role not only in loss of appetite, but also for weight loss. Each multiple concomitant symptoms are possible, which refer to both the digestive tract as well as to other areas of the body.
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The causes of unintentional weight loss can be divided into roughly the following groups:
1. diseases in which the power consumption is increased
2. diseases in which the energy requirement is increased
3. diseases associated with reduced food intake; the energy requirements may be increased
4 *. Old age
5 *. Mental illnesses
6 *. Drugs, tobacco, drugs
(* Again, the energy needs to be increased)
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1. diseases in which the power consumption is increased
Overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism): As a result of an overactive thyroid gland produces too much of their hormone thyroxine, T4 short. In blood it is the most important for the metabolism of thyroid hormone triiodothyronine second (T3). It boosts many body processes, which increases energy consumption. The "overheating" can trigger a variety of symptoms. These can (so-called autoimmune or Hashimoto's Thryreoiditis) occur when the gland produces thyroid hormone temporarily increased under the administration of thyroid hormones, or in the early stages of an immunologically mediated thyroiditis.
Symptoms: In spite of a good appetite, sometimes even hot hunger, remove the affected. Heat intolerance, tremor, nervousness, and various eye disorders are among the possible symptoms. Diarrhoea can also interfere with the intestinal absorption and increase the energy shortage.
In older people, the hyperthyroidism is one of the most common causes of unintentional weight loss. It is typical of a then may present Altershyperthyreose that this otherwise but runs rather few symptoms. On the other hand, accompanying symptoms are in the foreground as wasting, rapid pulse and shortness of breath even at low load. These complaints may receive an associated with the overactive heart failure. Clicking on the contribution "hyperthyroidism", learn further details about this disease and to diagnose and treat disease.
Pheochromocytoma: pheochromocytomas are rare, mostly benign tumors that start from a specific hormone-producing tissue in the adrenal glands or nervous nodes near the spine. The tumors arise up to a quarter of certain hereditary diseases, otherwise spontaneously. They belong to the sympathetic nervous system and are also called "neuroendocrine". Thus a combination of nerves and is meant hormonally. In fact, these tumors secrete hormones: chemical messengers of the sympathetic nervous system such as epinephrine and norepinephrine. This leads to symptoms such as severe, persistent hypertension, which can also derail crisis-ridden, very pale skin, and weight loss. Because especially the increased metabolism and increased energy consumption are to blame. Sudden increases in blood pressure, which can sometimes occur as beta-blockers even after taking high blood pressure medicines that cause heart palpitations, headache, excessive sweating, anxiety and shivering. Sometimes also there is abdominal pain, which can be felt up to the edges.
More practical guide "hypertension" in the chapter "Diagnosis 2" ("Secondary hypertension").
Worm infestations: Total worm diseases in Europe have become rare in adults. However, children are infected more often, with about ascarides (pinworms). About objects contaminated food or get worm eggs or larvae in the intestine where they grow into worms. The females lay their eggs on the anus. This often leads to itching in the anus, especially at night. Affected children sleep poorly and are whining and tired during the day. Easily reach new worm eggs from hand to mouth, the infection circle. Infested with roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides) or certain tapeworms (cestodes) causes in children and adults in severe cases, malaise, abdominal pain, loss of appetite - but sometimes also cravings - and weight loss.
To prevent this from happening: children should be thoroughly several times a day wash your hands, especially before eating. Well, if you join as a parent and role model are. Go very hygienic in the kitchen in front of you especially fruits, vegetables and salads carefully cleaned. Clean toys that was outside regularly with hot water and detergent. Pets possibly be wormed regularly. To some harmful for the human species of worms, it is also in the article "appetite", where you will find more information. About infections with the parasite Giardia lamblia can be the practical guide 'diarrhea (diarrhea) ", Chapter causes" acute (1) "read.
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2. diseases in which the energy requirement is increased
Diabetes (especially untreated diabetes mellitus type 1): Diabetes mellitus type 1 often already develops before age 40, often in childhood and adolescence. It is caused by - partly hereditary embossed - autoimmune inflammation of the pancreas. The associated injury insulin producing cells leads to a lack of insulin. The metabolic hormone removed the sugar from the blood into cells, thus lowering him in blood. Insulin deficiency is the main cause of high blood sugar. As the body with the insulin deficiency (grape) sugar, the main energy source, can not use, it lacks energy. At the same time is too high blood sugar harmful. So the body tries to excrete it in the urine increases. This leads to frequent urination and thirst. Secondly, the necessary energy will be mobilized from the fat ingredients and muscle protein. Therefore, and by the loss of liquid take the affected significantly from weight. In addition there are symptoms like fatigue and reduced performance, a dry skin, often itchy, and more. Especially the latter symptoms can mellitus type 2 occur even when significantly more frequent diabetes.
In this form of diabetes, the body no longer responds adequately to insulin. As a result, the pancreas releases insulin from increased first, but sooner or later exhausted, the production. An important risk factor is overeating overweight, so lasting energy surplus. With type 2 diabetes associated weight loss occurs, but overall rather rare.
Tip: Go / with your child / with such ailments in time to see a doctor so that he can quickly make a diagnosis. To get your blood sugar under control faster. Good metabolic control can help to avoid complications. In and on the causes, diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, you can get an overview in the two counselors diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Digestive disorders (malabsorption) diseases that affect the digestive tract or directly affect these are responsible for about one third of unintentional weight loss. Underlie both non-malignant and malignant diseases. Different mechanisms can affect the here nutrition and digestion, so that the body weight decreases. This section is about so-called Malassimilations syndromes (syndromes are diseases with multiple symptoms).
Keynotes are in addition to the weight loss, chronic diarrhea and / or so-called fatty stools because often the fat absorption in the intestine is impaired. This allows not only a lack of nutrients, but also a vitamin and mineral deficiency occur. Possible consequences: swelling by protein loss, anemia due to vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, muscle weakness is too low potassium in the blood, muscle spasms due to calcium deficiency, which can as Vitamin D deficiency also weaken the bones, night blindness by too little vitamin A, bleeding tendency, when vitamin K is absent. In addition there are other symptoms by causing diseases themselves.
These include celiac disease, food intolerances such as lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance), chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, other inflammatory or intestinal infections such as Whipple's disease.
Questioning also comes a lack of bile in the intestine. It is essential for the digestion of fat. Through a jam in the bile duct system, but also by a so-called blind bag syndrome as well as short bowel syndrome may lack Galle.
Other causes that can pull an impaired food utilization by occasionally, are amyloidosis and diseases of the lymph nodes of the small intestine - independent tumors (lymphomas) or secondary tumors of malignant tumors.
Then there are specific tumors in the digestive tract that make certain hormones. Their effects can impede the absorption of nutrients through the intestines.
Also radiation treatments sometimes cause changes that hinder digestive processes, for example due to diarrhea.
Consequently, many chronic diarrheal diseases that affect mainly the small intestine, impairing nutrient absorption.
Rarely is behind a Malassimilation a circulatory disorder in the intestine.
Among the issues mentioned above and further, read the article "diarrhea" in the chapters "Chronically (1)" and "Chronically (2)" supplementary information.
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3. diseases associated with reduced food intake; the energy requirements may be increased
Whether dental problems (see below, point 4), difficulty swallowing, declining sense of taste or constant pain after eating - the enjoyment of food can cloud everything. Who just do not like to eat for these or other reasons, loses weight.
Swallowing (dysphagia): A bite in the get "wrong way" is not only unpleasant, but sometimes dangerous, namely when the air is moved. Who has a serious drink problem, which makes food anxiety. The consequences can easily imagine. Among the possible causes of dysphagia include neurological disorders, muscle diseases, diseases of the throat and pharynx, pathological changes of the esophagus. In the article "swallowing" the causes are described in more detail.
Pain after eating - more diseases in the digestive tract: sometimes resolve pain shortly after eating or nausea fear of eating out (technical term Sitophobie). This could be caused an ulcer once. Secondly, chronic inflammation or tumors are eligible, such as the pancreas or bile ducts. Even a so-called achalasia, a rare disorder of the mobility and transport function of the esophagus, may be behind sometimes.
Then can in inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease, or as a result of tumors - form constrictions in the gut - for example, benign tumors of the small intestine. The Passage obstacle can trigger some time after eating cramping pain. The further narrowing is away from the mouth, the greater may be the time interval between ingestion and symptoms.
More rarely hides a circulatory disorder in the intestine, a so-called abdominal angina, behind food-related pain. Lack of blood in the circulatory intense digestive work is to blame (this disease and Crohn's disease have been in terms of possible indigestion already described in the section 2, "Malassimilation", above).
Liver disease: symptoms such as fatigue, anorexia, nausea and pain in the right upper abdomen are relatively typical of various liver diseases. Sometimes jaundice is added. It shows itself especially in the yellow eyes white. Then, for example, be diseases in which the bile ducts have ignited in the liver: either a primary sclerosing cholangitis (involves medium and larger bile ducts) or primary biliary cirrhosis (detects the small bile ducts and the adjacent liver tissue). Early symptom of primary biliary cirrhosis is severe itching. In the course of weight loss can occur, among others. The term primary biliary stating that the disease begins in the bile ducts. The advanced stage is characterized by the transition to a liver hardening, ie a cirrhosis. This also applies to the primary sclerosing cholangitis (sclerosing is hardened, cholangitis means biliary tract). One of the differences is that this disease at first barely making complaints and the doctor sometimes by chance when a blood control comes to him on the track. There is then a specific pattern indicative of a biliary stasis.
However, cirrhosis can also have other causes. Anyway: In advanced stages, it often comes to weight loss and malnutrition. Also in the course of liver inflammation as non-alcoholic fatty liver or alcoholic (so-called fatty liver or steatohepatitis disease) sufferers often take off unintentionally. For liver cancer, this can sometimes be the case very clearly. More information is available in the counselors' cirrhosis "," liver cancer "and" jaundice ".
Cancers: Many cancers can lead over time for different reasons to the fact that those affected lose unwanted weight. Therefore, it makes little sense to appoint the next diseases mentioned in this text further. Weight loss can have many causes, including common non-malignant changes. Go to our special page "cancer" can be found, however, a wealth of information.
Heart failure: Doctors call the pumping weakness of the central circulatory organ failure and decide whether the left, right or both sides of the heart are affected. Of the complaints depend. With global heart failure, so if both sides of the heart are diseased, they add up.
Symptoms: One of the leading symptoms of left heart and global heart failure include, in addition to also symptoms such as rapid fatigue and shortness of breath during physical activity, which is increasingly restricted aforementioned. Often the victims also feel heartache. In advanced stages, they are very weak and tend to cause heavy breathing.
If the right heart is affected, swelling develop the body and venous congestion. On the neck then thickened veins are clearly visible. Lips, nails and mucous membranes may become discolored bluish skin color is bluish-pale (even in global heart failure). Body weight increases.
In advanced right heart and global heart failure leads to loss of appetite, often indigestion with nausea and vomiting. In conjunction with other factors, which leads to a lack of energy and noticeable weight loss. These are always serious character. What are the causes, diagnosis and therapy in heart failure, refer to the corresponding contribution "heart failure (congestive heart failure)".
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Obstructive means in respect of the breathing, that the airways are narrowed and the respiratory resistance is increased in the bronchi. Here classify diseases such as chronic bronchitis / COPD (the acronym stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) require an increased respiratory activity. Sufferers need a lot of force to exhale against the resistance. This and due to increased inflammatory activity in the body, the energy requirement is increased. If the disease processes mitbelasten the heart, is this the person concerned to even more. Often they lose a lot of weight.
Main symptoms are cough, sputum of different colors, again and again breathlessness. You may experience a tightness in the chest. Over time, the physical strength decreases. The guide "bronchitis, chronic / COPD" tells you more about what is going on with the disease on themselves.
Infectious diseases, such as endocarditis, AIDS, tuberculosis:
Patients with congenital heart disease, damaged heart valves and restored, so reconstructed or artificial valves are particularly at risk for infective endocarditis. This refers to an inflammation of the endocardium. This also forms the heart valves. Inducing are mainly bacteria, rare immunological, mechanical and other causes. The inflammation can the heart valves (further) damage, so that they cease to function.
The acronym AIDS stands for the English name Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, to German: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. It refers to the so-called disease later stage of HIV infection (infection with HIV).
Tuberculosis (TB) occurs more frequently at underweight, physically debilitated or chronically ill people, including AIDS patients, on. Today it concerns mostly only the lungs, is highly treatable and heals in most cases. Symptoms that may occur in all three diseases include fever or high temperature, increased sweating or night sweats and weight loss.
Further reading: Guides "endocarditis", "HIV and AIDS", "tuberculosis".
Chronic renal insufficiency: The main task of the kidney is the formation of urine. With him leave substances the body that it is no longer needed or that may harm him. At the same time the kidneys regulate on the amount and composition of the urine fluid balance, and they provide a physiological acid-base balance and a balanced mineral balance. After all, they are responsible for blood pressure regulation. Chronic kidney failure (renal failure), for example kidney infections, vascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure can lead. There are various stages of renal failure. The result is a kidney failure. Sufferers it survive only by renal replacement therapy: regular dialysis (dialysis) or kidney transplantation. Weight loss is a symptom of the final stage. The frequently precede loss of appetite and vomiting and other symptoms. What these are and how doctors treat kidney weakness, is the practical guide "kidney failure".
Underactive pituitary gland (hypopituitarism): insufficiency means malfunction or loss. The pituitary gland (hypophysis) located in the brain and stimulates the adrenal glands (see next section), thyroid, testes and ovaries, so to speak "from above" to hormone production to. In case of malfunction of these glands it comes to lack of the proper hormones. This in turn attracts diverse complaints to themselves. Among other things, unintended weight loss occur.
Adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease, Addison's disease): The adrenal glands make vital hormones for Blutsalz- and energy household as aldosterone and cortisol. Not pour them out enough hormones - and there are many possible causes -, was mainly to lower blood pressure and tendency to collapse. The patients also lose weight and dry out. They often also suffer from loss of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea. For heavy loads, it may even lead to crisis-like shock or coma states. Striking also is a brown skin tone.
More on disorders of adrenal and pituitary read each the practical guide "appetite", section: "Metabolism and hormonal diseases".
Autoimmune diseases: Here the immune system is suddenly active against certain structures in the body: it sees as hostile to. Why this is so, is so far unclear about. What is certain only that there are hereditary influences. The autoimmune reactions cause inflammation - often in multiple organs, including the joints. Therefore, these disorders are also counted among the systemic diseases. Examples of autoimmune disorders that are associated with weight loss, are rheumatoid arthritis, the Polymalgia rheumatica, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and Wegener's granulomatosis. The first two diseases can be found in the guide details "appetite", the "autoimmune diseases".
SLE is one of the Rheumatic connective tissue to the so-called connective tissue. This leads to inflammatory changes and deposits of immune material in the skin and in the connective tissue of the vessels. Women are affected more often than men, usually of childbearing age.
Main symptoms are muscle and joint pain, as well as butterfly-shaped skin redness in the face ("Wolf face", hence the name "lupus erythematosus" for the disease. The Latin word for wolf is lupus, erythematosus for redness comes from the Greek). But occur also general symptoms such as fever, weight loss, physical weakness, excessive hair loss, sometimes swollen lymph glands. Heart, lungs, kidneys and the central and peripheral nervous system may also become ill with.
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (former name of the disease: Wegener's granulomatosis) is a vasculitis (technical term: vasculitis). She plays at small and medium-sized vessels from especially respiratory. Doctors distinguish between different stages. From the nose to the throat to the lungs of each section of the airways may be affected. Then develop at the appropriate places inflammatory nodules (granulomas) that make up small, bleeding ulcers can form. Felt itself makes for example with bloody borkigem cold, bloody sputum, deformations of the nose Gewebeeinschmelzung. The lungs are frequently infected. General symptoms include fever, weight loss, night sweats. If the disease spreads to other organs, such as kidneys (symptom here: blood in the urine) or the brain, it can be life-threatening. With a treatment that suppresses the immune system and also known as cytostatics includes, the disease can often initially regress completely or largely. Doctors treat the patient then a so-called maintenance therapy in which, for example, drugs such as cortisone can be dosed gradually lower or otherwise combined. Severe forms are treated at the clinic. In principle, relapses are possible again after improvements that can be under a renewed intensive therapy also usually again get a grip. Important for the forecast are possible organ damage. If kidney damage (renal failure), for example, a kidney transplant to be promising if the disease is otherwise under control.
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4. Old age
That older people often feed on small flame, is a widespread problem. While the calorie requirements in elderly people is lower than in younger. Nevertheless, many seniors do not come on their target. At the same time, for example, need more calcium and vitamin D. Many seniors tend several reasons for malnutrition: The dental status is often poor, and the denture is not always good. Loneliness drives appetite, diminishing sense of taste or dysphagia do the rest. Loss of functionality - from seeing to Go - complicate the essentials, such as shopping. However, cooking and washing are often perceived as physically demanding. In addition to drugs, be it for the heart, be it for joint pain, hitting on the stomach. The pace is slow digestion, saturation occurs earlier, so many older people can easily skip meals. Not least, often forcing Altersarmut to save. Diseases reinforce the tendency to malnutrition still. Especially often the elderly are among diseases, which in turn often dampen the appetite: heart failure, obstructive pulmonary disease (see above), depression, debilitating diseases such as cancer. Not so rare is also a Altershyperthyreose before (see above under point 1, hyperthyroidism).
However, a poor nutritional status not only reduces the quality of life, but is generally associated with a shorter life expectancy. It also weakens the resistance. Diseases can be complications pregnant. Even from a BMI of "only" 24 kg / m2, the parties should regularly check the body weight. Concrete action is needed at BMI values less than / equal to 20 kg / m2 (see above) or in weight loss from 2 kg in a short time. The nutritional therapy intervenes on several levels: personally created, to energy and vital substance suppliers rich normal diet, supplemental liquid nutrition, tube feedings, parenteral nutrition. The doctor will tailor the procedure to the patients, family members, nurses and attending dieticians.
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5. Mental illness
At least about one tenth of all concerned is a mental disorder turns out as a cause of unintentional weight loss. This involves on the one hand to depression, on the other hand to eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
Depression: In the meantime, every twentieth German citizens affected by a depressive disorder, women are affected twice as often as men. Because on the one hand, many patients shy away to trust a doctor, on the other hand, the symptoms are often very diverse, not to say misleading, the diagnosis is often made only belatedly. Initially often are general symptoms that follow a heavy load, but can also occur without specific cause: headache, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite. The latter can hold tenaciously and so also pull a weight loss by itself. The psychological symptoms include listlessness or increased, irritable Umtriebigkeit, guilt, disturbances of the mind, feeling of worthlessness and depressed mood.
People with depression may rely on effective therapies today. Refer to the guide "depression".
Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa (anorexia), bulimia nervosa (short: Bulimia, also called Ess-Brecht-addiction) and transitional forms revolve around an impaired sense of self. Sufferers, predominantly young girls and women are, from a narrow focus on one's own body dominates: hold in principle for too thick, although the objective is not the case, and are terrified to increase. Hence the other name for these diseases, namely body image disturbance. In fact, the body seems to be a source of permanent dissatisfaction. But the actual conflicts lie deeper, in a complex identity disorder. Even boys can suffer from them - more often than is commonly assumed.
Bulimia nervosa is more common than anorexia nervosa. The latter leads to untreated continued emaciation with BMI values (see above) 17.5 kg / m2, or even lower. In bulimia, the person concerned on the other hand usually keep the weight in the lower normal range or are slightly underweight. After a binge, which phased repeatedly - by definition, twice a week for three months - to make bulimic patients immediately countermeasures to prevent weight gain in all circumstances: self-initiated vomiting, discharge and dewatering by improper intake of laxatives and diuretics, strict diets, fasting and an almost obsessive sports. Attention: observe such behavior more precisely, they can be warning signs.
But anorexia nervosa patients turn to these strategies. However, they do not suffer from food cravings. But the disease can pass into a bulimia. In this, the energy deficit provoked by a hunger and emptying phase soon the next Essanfall. Weight loss is in both eating disorders naturally not comparable, it will be introduced in each case but deliberately.
Without treatment, the health suffers considerably. There may be physical damages, such as on the heart and kidneys, or mental disorders secondary. Often, depression and addictive behaviors are. Anorexia nervosa runs often fatal. The bulimia can hide well, therefore the number of unreported cases is high. Timely psychotherapeutic treatment is urgently required in both eating disorders. Contacts are Specialists in child and adolescent psychiatry. To Anorexia can find more information here.
6. drugs, tobacco, drugs
Anti-cancer drugs (chemotherapeutic agents or cytotoxic drugs), laxatives, certain drug for asthma, such as theophylline (today only reserve), thyroid hormone preparations, known as cardiac glycosides (digitalis) or antidiabetics such as metformin can contribute in different ways to a weight loss. Even luxury items such as alcohol and nicotine or drugs such as cocaine can be mentioned here. Nicotine increases the energy consumption of the body, restricts the appetite, as well as the desire for sweets, and seems to fat deposition to slow somewhat. Everything explained together why in a smoking cessation and consistent caloric intake the body weight at least gets into positive territory shortly. This should not deter smoking cessation but willing. Little overweight (see above: BMI) is for health definitely better than being underweight, smoking harms the body against almost across the board. Whoever sets out to be ex-smokers on a completely healthy lifestyle, will also hold in the long run ensure his weight well in balance.
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